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3 IT Project Mistakes – and How to Avoid Them

If you’re a modern business, you use information technology (IT) in some way. Whether it’s to manage orders, inventory, personnel resources, or all of the above, IT is a critical element of doing business. Unfortunately, some IT systems are very complex, and implementing one can be a significant undertaking from a time, cost, and resource standpoint. Failure to manage an implementation project effectively can result in frustration and, worse, loss of business/profits and a considerable sum of money sunk – wasted – in a failed project.



The high number of implementation failures has sparked much research on the subject, and several common pitfalls have been identified.


Some of the most prevalent – but totally avoidable – causes of IT project mistakes & failure include:

Poor Pre-planning

Nothing is more critical than a detailed outline of project objectives. Why are you engaging in this project? What is the expected outcome? How will it improve your current processes? How will the results offset the cost? You can guarantee that senior management – or whomever has to approve the project – will ask these questions and will want you to have answers. Do your research before you put forth a proposal.

Lack of Experienced Project Managers

As we mentioned, IT projects are typically complex. Managers need to be able to juggle resources, manage a budget, keep management informed of progress, and guide their team to stay focused on the project goals and deliverables. Experience is a critical element of bringing a project to successful completion, including providing the expected benefits on time and on budget.

Ineffective Communication

Each implementation team member needs to be aware of developments/changes that impact their role in the project. This includes changes in project scope, timelines, resources, and duties. There are many roles in a large IT project, and the roles can only work together efficiently if everyone is on the same page. In addition, senior management, while not necessarily considered “team members,” will expect regular status updates. If all the team members aren’t on the same page, current project status may not be readily apparent.

How to Avoid Having Your Own Implementation Failure

Plan, plan, plan. When you feel you have planned enough, review your plan and then plan some more. When you build an implementation team, choose a project manager with previous experience in project management and system implementations. Choose a project manager that is also good at communication – when your team members are given conflicting information or not informed of project/role changes, their frustration could slow down the project.


Avoiding these three common problems in regards to IT project implementation will greatly improve your chances of success.


Want to ensure success? At Southeast Computer Solutions, we can successfully guide your business through any IT project with our experienced consultants. We understand your industry and know which software solutions will give you the sharpest competitive edge.


Contact us to learn how we can help your company with software selection, implementation, and ongoing support. 


About Southeast Computer Solutions

Southeast Computer Solutions is based in Miami, Florida, and has additional operations in Mexico. For over 30 years, we have positively impacted the success of small and mid-sized businesses with effective business management implementations that improve our clients’ operations. We listen, we are accessible, and we care. Learn more by visiting our website or calling 305-556-4697.



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