Business Management Software | Sage ERP & Acumatica

Why You Need Email Automation

Written by Jaleidy Tannenbaum | December 13, 2017

Email is a necessity for your business, but it can be tedious. Think about the emails your company probably sends, and how email automation would be a game changer.

Welcome Emails to New Customers

This email is the first impression of your customers have of your brand, and it sets the groundwork for your relationship. You should send this email to new customers quickly, but if you’re doing it manually, it’s easy to drop the ball.

Sales Order Confirmations

When a customer orders a product or service from your company, they expect to receive an order confirmation almost instantly after placing the order. It’s a reasonable expectation; if they don’t receive an order confirmation, there can be confusion as to whether the order was received, which can lead to lower customer service productivity and reduced customer satisfaction.

Shipping Confirmations

Much like sales order confirmations, shipping confirmations are a customer expectation – they want to know when their order will arrive, so failing to send a shipping confirmation can leave them feeling less than hyped about your company.


You need to get paid by your clients, and preferably on time so your business cycle stays on track. If you’re relying on manual invoice generation, items could be missed, and you might not get paid what you’re due.


Luckily, there’s an easier – and better – way to send emails. Jump out of the manual email ship and climb aboard the enterprise resource planning (ERP) bandwagon. ERPs have nearly unlimited ways to take care of emails and invoices. How much time would automating your emails save for your finance, customer service, sales, and marketing departments?


Event-based email triggers are the answer. Sage Enterprise Management (Sage X3) enables you to set up emails in your workflow, saving you hours of time and effort and keeping your customers happy.  


If you’d like to see a product demo, please contact us today for more information.