Business Management Software | Sage ERP & Acumatica

How Much Is Your Aging Warehouse Management System Costing You?

Written by Ralph Ceccarelli | May 16, 2016

Microsoft surveys have revealed that 68% of consumers believe that utilizing modern technology is critical to a business's success. Additionally, 57% view small businesses that use updated technology as more competitive in the marketplace.


When you implemented your warehouse management system, it likely met all your needs, and more. You knew the location of your inventory, where and when it arrived, and what order it was shipped on.


But your software isn’t new anymore, and aging warehouse management systems can cause a host of problems.

Untimely Information

Your employees may view you as being behind the times when they have to “make do” with systems that can no longer keep pace with business needs, such as order and delivery status, customer service claims, etc. New systems, however, track this information and make it readily available.

No More Upgrades

A lack of upgrades to existing hardware and software takes its toll on efficiency and morale as well. Employees become frustrated with systems that require manual re-entry of information as opposed to sophisticated applications that offer integration and automation.

Security Concerns

Outdated systems also present security concerns. As software becomes obsolete, vendors stop supporting it and creating updates and patches that correct flaws. This leaves your network vulnerable to outside threats, like viruses and malware.

Costly Downtime

Another risk of an aging warehouse management system: increased downtime. Outdated equipment and software have a greater tendency to fail and often require longer service times. Downtime is a costly issue and includes the cost of the repair, lost time for employees, late shipments to customers, and more.

Maximizing the Value of Your Warehouse Management System

Software vendors are continuously improving their products – new features and enhanced performance making running your business easier and more effective. By staying up to date with software and hardware components, you can maximize the efficiency of your operation and provide new functionality that adds value for your employees and customers alike.


Southeast Computer Solutions provides sophisticated software solutions for your company and can offer cost-effective hardware recommendations. Our years of successful implementations include functional analysis, software selection, implementation, training, and continuing support. Contact us today to see how our business and technical expertise can add value to your company. 


About Southeast Computer Solutions

Southeast Computer Solutions is based in Miami, Florida, and has additional operations in Mexico. For over 30 years, we have positively impacted the success of small and mid-sized businesses with effective business management implementations that improve our clients’ operations. We listen, we are accessible, and we care. Learn more by visiting our website or calling 305-556-4697.